Modern Living


Retro Living

Retro Dining

Arthur Edwards
1930 - 2009


Good design outlives fashion

When I design a piece of furniture I am 
thinking - will this chair, this table, this 
cabinet still be desirable in 15 or even 
50 years' time?

Certainly it is fun and satisfying to design 
at the cutting edge of fashion. But how 
much more satisfying and challenging to 
create furniture which will still be admired 
and cherished after many years.   


Marian Edwards
Arthur Edwards was an international design 
consultant with manufacturing clients in 
Europe, America and Asia. Many of his designs 
are still in production and are available in 
furniture stores across the world.

Trained at London's Royal College of Art, 
he was a Fellow of the British Chartered Society
of Designers and a member of the American 
Society of Designers. 
An authority on design interpretations of 
European 18th & 19th century period furniture 
for modern homes, he also made a lifelong 
study into the ergonomics of furniture design.

His designs, including those in rattan, 
won many international awards.